Monday, October 14, 2019


Jushin Liger vs. Minoru Suzuki
The build to this match has been absolutely amazing, and while the match they did here wasn't as hate-filled & 'hot' as one could've & would've imagined, it was still a one helluva contest. Minoru largely dominates, but Liger gets lots of time to shine & deliver an asskicking as well, and it's very, very good stuff. Two pros going at it, making every moment mean something. And then there's the post-match too, which was legitimately touching. ***1/2

El Phantasmo vs. Will Ospreay
This was boring as hell. Some of the bad-guy-stuff Phantasmo did help it be at least somewhat more memorable than your usual Ospreay workrate matches, but that doesn't mean it was any interesting, 'cause it sure wasn't. Apart from those mentioned minor heel shenanigans, this was your usual flippy floppy athletic workrate stuff, going almost 30 minutes to boot. Their BOSJ match smokes this all night long, as that one had much more soul & personality to it. This was just a big ol', generic yawnfest. *

Juice Robinson vs. Lance Archer
I don't want to call this disappointing, because I wasn't going like "oh hell yeah, this is gonna be a guaranteed banger", BUT I def would say that it was less fun than I expected it to be. Not a bad match by any means though, but I do think they have a better one in them. **1/2

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