Sunday, October 20, 2019

BRYAN & NAKAMURA oh theres reigns and corbin as well

WWE SmackDown 10/18/19
Baron Corbin & Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Daniel Bryan & Roman Reigns
Obviously the main selling point of this match (for me anyways) is Bryan & Nakamura on opposing teams, and the match actually was, for the most part, those two going at it! Hell yeah. Nakamura hasn't been exciting in what-feels-like forever & the last great ****+ match of his happened over 3 years ago (imo of course), but that doesn't change the fact that in 2014 & 2015 I was salivating over the dream match that was him vs. Bryan on paper. Their chemistry here was very fun, and while this overall was a very basic TV-match tag, I still enjoyed it a ton because of the Bryan & Naka interactions. Very much here for the possible singles match between the two for the IC Strap! ***

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