Thursday, October 17, 2019


Cody vs. Sammy Guevara
Cody was the right man to put on first in AEW's TV-debut, as his charisma & energy came through wonderfully through the screen. The super hot crowd obviously helped to make the match standout, and the action was very good throughout w/ Guevara getting to show off his athleticism & cocky swagger while Cody looked to slow him down. Good match! ***1/4

Brandon Cutler vs. MJF
A 3-minute match to establish MJF's persona inside the ring. I liked it! He was the shithead he is known to be, and I dug the little arm psychology throughout. Cutler also looked good with the few bits of offense he got -- that tope especially was a thing of beauty. **1/2

Adam Page vs. PAC
I'd definitely say this was better than their match from the UK earlier in the year. Maybe felt a tad bit too lengthy, but it didn't end up becoming bad in that regard. Pretty much slugs all around being traded w/ some bombs thrown in there as well, and it was the good stuff. ***

Nyla Rose vs. Riho
The highlight of the first ever Dynamite. The natural David vs. Goliath dynamic between the two worked extremely well with Nyla being a rock solid monster from start to finish, and Riho being a pretty excellent underdog. That finishing stretch was awesome. ***1/2

Chris Jericho & LAX vs. The Elite
The Elite run wild for a hot minute, but then it's MOXLEY time, and after that the match essentially becomes a 2-on-1 handicap bout. Matt FIPs most of it, and it's good stuff w/ them teasing the hot tag a few times really well, and then when Nick ultimately does get the tag, it sure is a HOT tag, indeed. Jericho coming in & cutting it off w/ that Codebreaker outta nowhere was real awesome as well. Good match & angle to end the show with. ***

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