Thursday, October 10, 2019

NXT: Lio/Gulak, Roddy/Swerve, WALTER/KUSHIDA

Drew Gulak vs. Lio Rush
This was really good, which doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Gulak is awesome smacking Lio around with his strikes & trying to keep him grounded with them holds, and Lio is equally, or maybe even more awesome w/ his always-great babyface from underneath work. Absolute banger. ***1/2

Isaiah Scott vs. Roderick Strong
Swerve is still as uninteresting & generic as ever, but they keep the thing pretty short n' tight, so it's far from bad. And while I didn't care for Scott, Roddy on the other hand was unsurprisingly great. They def had a good dynamic going with that solid, classic TV-storytelling with a relative no-name/newcomer pushing a champion to the limit as well. **3/4

Kushida vs. WALTER
Mauro going "...just remember all caps when you spell the man name" when big daddy WALTER was making his entrance is his first actually good pop-culture reference in a long ass time. The match was real good, too! Looked real intriguing on paper, and it sure delivered. They went with the most natural dynamic between 'em, which was WALTER mostly dominating & Kushida having to truly fight an uphill-battle from underneath -- WALTER was real good on top, all of his usual brutal offense looked even more devastating due to the big size difference between the two, and then Kushida was on FIRE with his comeback sequences. Very good performances by both & what seemed like natural chemistry = very good match. ***1/2

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