WWE NXT 10/23/19
Cameron Grimes vs. Matt Riddle
Oh HELL YES. Goes about 5 minutes & every bit of it rules. That doesn't surprise me because Riddle was the best sprint guy when he was in the indies, and Grimes can do it all; 5 minutes, 20 minutes, 60 minutes, 104 minutes. Here Riddle destroys him for most of it in an extremely awesome, violent fashion -- Cameron sells great, and all of his brief hope spots are tremendous, especially that classic moonsault twist press slam thingy of his, which created a legitimately amazing nearfall. What a badass time this match was. ***3/4
Dominik Dijakovic vs. Keith Lee vs. Roderick Strong
Dijakovic & Keith Lee do their thing, which is being athletic monsters, and then there is Roddy who brings the energy & urgency into everything he does, while also being the shithead heel getting destroyed by those said monsters. Roddy rocks that role brilliantly, and this match actually low-key reminded me of his 2015 PWG run, which just happens to be one of my all-time favorite runs by any wrestler ever. So safe to say I liked this very much! ***1/2