Friday, July 5, 2019

WWE TV goodness by Bryan, Big E, Grimes & Swerve

WWE SmackDown 07/02/19: Big E vs. Daniel Bryan
These two have always had a very compelling chemistry with each other in their past multi-man meetings, so I was pretty excited for this. And they sure delivered the goods. Good stuff with Big E getting a proper shine, dominating with his superior power game. He very much runs wild, brother, until Bryan chop blocks his knee & that becomes a target of his assault. Bryan's work is of course goddamn awesome w/ brutal holds & vicious kicks - one of the standout spots for me was when Big E tried to rally up a comeback, Bryan delivers a lethal kick to the knee to stop it. Brilliant stuff there. Big E's selling of the knee during his actual comebacks is pretty spotty, but it isn't WOAT-tier, as he still shows some signs of damage done, and they keep the match pretty short n' tight, so it doesn't end up being anything offensive. Overall this was very much the good shit. ***1/2

WWE NXT 07/03/19: Cameron Grimes vs. Isaiah Scott
I usually don't like Swerve at all, and much of this match is designed to be his showcase, but with it being non-indy, he tones down a lot of the annoying stuff he usually does, so he actually comes off as pretty good here. Some of the stuff he did actually was pretty unique, in an awesome way! And of course there is GRIMES. My boy. Was marking out for everything he did - he got to show off all his signature stuff & establish himself as the smash-mouth technical savage that he is. Hell to the yeah. Loved this. ***1/2

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