Saturday, July 20, 2019

G1 Day6

Shingo Takagi vs. Taichi
This ruled so much. Taichi is so awesome with his KICKS & Shingo is a true bulldozer with every bit of offense he lashes out. Smack & bomb heavy fun all the way through. ***3/4

Jeff Cobb vs. Juice Robinson
Juice dominating at least 90% of the match wasn't the most expected dynamic going into this, but it ended up being a very welcomed one, as he DEFINITELY was the more interesting of the two when it came to their offense. Juice is very good as usual, and while some first bursts of Cobb's offense weren't interesting at all, he definitely picked up the intensity in his last big comeback rally after countering Juice's Pulp Friction attempt with those sweet German Suplexes. He looked really good in that stretch just throwing Juice around. Good match. ***

Jay White vs. Toru Yano
Not a high tier Toru Yano match or anything close to that, but a pretty fun & solid 3-minutes. **

Hirooki Goto vs. Tetsuya Naito
A pretty good match, but nothing special, which is pretty much what I've come to expect from this pairing. The in-ring action is just about 'the usual' from the two too, with some work over the leg, neck, a bunch of counters etc, etc. It's definitely pretty enjoyable, but nothing to really write home about. **3/4

Jon Moxley vs. Tomohiro Ishii
Moxley brought his own, different charm to Ishii's smackfest formula & it resulted in some real good stuff. Couple of very memorable singular moments too, especially FLYING ISHII THROUGH THE TABLE! ***3/4

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