Tuesday, July 16, 2019

G1 Day 4

Shingo Takagi vs. Toru Yano
This is less fun than Yano matches usually are, and I really can't pinpoint the reason why. For whatever reason, in my eyes, Shingo just didn't click that well with him, even if Yano was still somewhat fun with his shenanigans. **

Hirooki Goto vs. Juice Robinson
Really liked Goto's work on the neck throughout with those vicious strikes, and all in all, this was a real good match with them trading slugs & some bombs. ***1/2

Jeff Cobb vs. Jon Moxley
Moxley's performance in this is really great. He goes to town on Cobb's shoulder, and he is vicious & EXTREMELY compelling with it. And if he is not trying to destroy that shoulder, he is delivering awesomely brutal looking knees to Cobb's head. Then there's little touches like him stomping on Cobb's foot to stop him from suplexing him off the apron. Absolutely awesome performance all around, and a really nice & tight match. Great introduction to Jon Moxley in the G1 without any of the weapon gimmicks which were there in his first tournament match vs. Taichi. ***3/4

Jay White vs. Tomohiro Ishii
White is such a good shithead & this is a very compelling story of that shithead getting his ass-kicked, and who better to do that said ass-kicking than the Stone Pitbull himself? White's work on Ishii's neck throughout is viciously awesome, Ishii's selling rules, as does his times on the offense punishing the former stablemate-turned-traitor of his. Very good match. ***3/4

Taichi vs. Tetsuya Naito
Wasn't feeling the first half, but it gets much better as it goes on, and they start busting out some real gnarly bombs as it does go on, which was very enjoyable & made the match real good overall. ***1/4

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