Saturday, July 6, 2019

PWG 200: Brody King vs Darby, Gresham vs Starr

Brody King vs. Darby Allin
Darby does Darby, which is always very enjoyable. The Coffin Drop from the balcony was pretty nuts. Where this match fails to connect with me though is Brody King's work on top. He dominated a lot, but he just wasn't any interesting with it. After watching the thing a couple of days ago, I fail to remember pretty much ANYTHING he did. **

David Starr vs. Jonathan Gresham
Gresham targets the arm, Starr targets the neck. Both sell well, with Starr in particular selling REALLY well - my favorite moment of the match actually comes from him selling during his Crossface spot. Good stuff, BUT I do think it wasn't as compelling as it could've & probably should've been, because the whole dynamic of dueling bodypart targeting (w/ good selling too!) is right up my alley. ***

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