Monday, July 29, 2019

G1 Day 10

Hirooki Goto vs. Toru Yano
Fun Yano sub-2 minute special. A pretty lovely time. Goto's pin was actually so damn cool looking, too. **1/2

Juice Robinson vs. Tomohiro Ishii
This is a complete war with them trading hard shots & gnarly bombs all the way through. Ishii's selling is fabulous as usual too, and all in all, it's a very compelling match. Though they did, or Juice did, have a few too many fighting spirit no-sell moments for my liking, but thankfully most of them somewhat worked. Them scrapping some of those moments is just something that could've made the match even more tighter as an overall package than it already was. ***1/2

Jeff Cobb vs. Taichi
Definitely better than their match for the NEVER title from earlier in the year. It very well told the story of Cobb's superior power & athleticism vs. Taichi's cheating. Taichi was very good on top, and Cobb was good out there with his explosive'ish comebacks. ***

Jay White vs. Shingo Takagi
White is so good in this. His work on top as the overly confident heel rules, and he sells brilliantly for Shingo when the time for that came. Lots of neat little moments of that shithead heel work like after he collapsed as a result of their strike exchange, he still barely gets up & delivers a lil' slap to Shingo. Shingo is real good too throughout with his usual bulldozer work on the offense, and overall the contrast between him & Switchblade created for a real intriguing dynamic for the whole thing. ***1/2

Jon Moxley vs. Tetsuya Naito
Moxley pretty much dominates, with Naito making some brief comebacks here & there, and it's good stuff. They play well off of each others personalities, and both guys are rock solid in their roles. ***1/4

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