Wednesday, September 25, 2024


 It's been years since I have continued my viewing of peak ROH chronologically, but damn, I have caught the wrestling bug now, so I will go back to it right now! We'll see how long I'll keep at it, but let's continue from where we left off.


Jay Lethal vs. Low Ki
(reviewed in 2021): Obviously the end-goal here was to make Ki look like a killer as his heel run continues, but Lethal actually got way more than I thought he would. And it was for the better! He totally ruled as the fiery underdog babyface bringing the fight to the odds-on favorite. I thought that his punches in particular looked really good & fit his role perfectly. All of Ki's offense looks awesome too, obviously. It's a fun match. Didn't need to go for as long as it did, as it does feel like it drags a BIT at times, but it's not a real complaint or anything because it still didn't go on for very long & both guys delivered, so yeee. ***

ROH World Championship
Samoa Joe vs. Bryan Danielson
Real famous & revered match in ROH lore here, with the two most important wrestlers in ROH history going at it. It's a classic. Just like in the CM Punk trilogy, it is so much fun watching Danielson try and crack the unbeatable champ that is Joe. He wrestles a brilliant match: I love the leg-targeting, his cat & mouse games and one of the best moments of the match is him delivering that thumb to Joe's eye. Every time Joe gets to really unleash on him, it feels like such a suffocating beatdown - Joe is just an absolutely terrific asskicker here. Great selling by both men as well throughout, really makes the dynamic between them work beautifully. They fill the (almost) 40 minutes fantastically. Doesn't feel its length whatsoever. It's a classic. ****3/4

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