Sunday, September 29, 2024




Austin Aries vs. Low Ki
A first ever match-up here between a very intriguing pairing on paper. It's a 20-minute time limit draw, which makes sense since Aries ain't gonna lose just before he is about to beat Joe for the World Title, and Low Ki is Low Ki. It's a very good match. Ki is just great here with his work on top & combining that with his arrogant heel attitude. Aries from underneath is natural given the pairing, and he rocks the role well. It is not the epic I could see these two having, but it's a very good, competitive match between two terrific wrestlers. ***1/2

Bryan Danielson vs. Homicide
Not as good as their match earlier on in the year, but it's still a good one. Suffers from the length, as it deeeefinitely could've been trimmed some, but I did indeed still have a good time with it. Danielson looking for revenge is fun as he controls most of the match, and Homicide plays the counterpart to that really well. Really good finishing stretch. The referee bit when Homicide was removing his boot felt quite silly & weird though. ***

ROH World Championship
Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk
It's a tremendous ending to a legendary trilogy. I do prefer their 2nd match by a bit as watching Punk's gameplan play out there was just so, so, SO compelling, but this one is complete greatness as well. Punk's cut brings such a brilliant twist to their dynamic, and it's just red hot action with them perfectly playing off of their previous matches. ****3/4

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