Sunday, September 8, 2024



Daniel Garcia vs. MJF
This was alright. Garcia's in-ring work doesn't resonate with me all the way through and there was a few misses here regarding that as well, such as the no-selling fighting spirit spot he did, which came off as very cosplay-ish. Other than that & a few other moments, this was indeed alright. Quite lengthy, but they had a simple dynamic & a good story to boost the dynamic in the ring. Definitely felt too long by the end though & the action isn't as interesting in the last third when they kick it into more "epic main event"-style with a bunch of false finishes and big emotions. **

Tag Team Championship
The Young Bucks vs. Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta
Now this was good! Classic tag structure with the babyfaces getting an awesome shine at the beginning w/ the Bucks selling excellently, followed by a good FIP segment, and then a brilliant hot tag by Claudio. All finished with a great, hot finishing gear where the action is exciting back & forth. A really damn GREAT tag match. ****

International Championship
Will Ospreay vs. PAC
A good match. There's of course some poor selling by Ospreay that I am not a fan of, but for the most part, this match was just about him & PAC brutalizing one another with sick bombs in their arsenals. I had a solid time with it. ***

Chicago Street Fight
Kris Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale
This was a good street fight with a good amount of hate put into it. Big spots, violence. It's a fun one, yet never really clicked with me on a higher level. ***

Continental Championship
Kazuchika Okada vs. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Orange Cassidy
This was very much *just there*. A couple of spots that could be called cool I guess, but absolutely nothing memorable whatsoever. The Okada vs. Takeshita teases were fun. Definitely not a bad match, just a match that happened & served its purpose on the card. *3/4

TBS Championship
Mercedes Mone vs. Hikaru Shida
This just felt... off? No heat whatsoever in Mercedes' work, which kills a lot of the match. Very much felt like her & Shida didn't have much chemistry in there, which is unfortunate. There's some solid stuff in the last 5-6 minutes or so, but still nothing very good and/or interesting. Super underwhelming match all around. *1/2

World Championship
Bryan Danielson vs. Jack Perry
I thought that this was good. Jack Perry isn't interesting at all times, as seen here when it was him working on top, but he did have some really fun shithead-heel moments throughout the match, to which the GOAT answered accordingly. Danielson is of course wonderful between his superb selling & joyous times on the offense. It is not a great match, and probably not an ideal match for this Danielson run, but it is a good one. ***

Lights Out Steel Cage
Adam Page vs. Swerve Strickland
It was always gonna be very hard to top their amazing death match from last year. This was good, but certainly didn't even come close to that said death match. Hangman & Swerve are good at conveying hatred for one another, which always makes for a good viewing & all the gimmicks, including the cage, were good fun. The needle was naaasty. A good match. I did think they went a bit too cute with the nearfalls & that took me out of the match at a few times though. ***1/4

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