Saturday, October 31, 2020



James Tighe vs. Paul London
This was a very nice opener with some exciting sequences & offense in general by both men. In particular London as usual delivered THE GOODS & probably was the main reason why I enjoyed the match as much as I did, but Tighe also does hang in there w/ him and has a few nice moments. ***

Samoa Joe vs. Zebra Kid
Kind of a famous match when it comes to the ROH lore. And it's a good one. It's a beatdown by Samoa Joe for the most part, so of course it's good, but he also sells big when it comes time to do that during Zebra Kid's comebacks. Kid's comebacks aren't all that exciting when you lay them out on paper, but I thought they worked well within the context of the match, and Joe's selling of those + cut-offs were truly on point, so I enjoyed it all. ***

Flash Barker vs. Low Ki
This had some solid moments - Barker had some nice strikes w/ his punches, open hand ones, kicks, lariats etc, and then Low Ki is Low Ki, so that section of the match was def good. All in all I thought that the match was pretty damn boring though, and even after just watching it, I have a hard time mentioning anything else that happened in it. Some super forgettable work on the mat, and while the strikes they busted out were indeed nice, for most of the time the journeys into those striking sequences were just extremely boring here. **1/2

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