Monday, May 20, 2019


Daniel Bryan & Rowan vs. The Usos
Bryan is awesome with his work over Jey Uso during his FIP segment - he's just choppin' n' kickin' the crap out of him & it rules. That was the highlight of the bout alongside the finishing run, which also rocked big time. Not a fan of the result, but this was still a very good match, especially for kickoff standards. I'd put it a notch above their SD title switch. ***

Women's Money In The Bank
This was really fun. Clocking in at just under 14 minutes, they started it at a pretty wild pace & it never let up till the finish. Very good flow & action from bell to bell. Everybody got to shine, and I thought Mandy Rose in particular looked really impressive. ***1/2

Rey Mysterio vs. Samoa Joe
As always, these two are quality together, but the match ended very quickly out of nowhere so I can't rate it. NR

Shane McMahon vs. The Miz
Their Mania match surprised me in how good it was, and here they make it 2 for 2. Shane is pretty great as the obnoxious heel getting his ass kicked, and The Miz was pretty damn awesome ass the babyface-seeking-revenge kicking that ass of his all over the ring. Enjoyed it very much, and I thought the finish was pretty perfect for Shane's current character. ***

Ariya Daivari vs. Tony Nese
This wasn't very interesting. Some points for Daivari's punches during his control segment, those looked real good, but overall this fell pretty flat. Nese is amazingly cold babyface. *1/2

Becky Lynch vs. Lacey Evans & Charlotte Flair
Putting them together here, because I don't have much to say about either one. Both happened. *

AJ Styles vs. Seth Rollins
They had the usual Seth Rollins workrate match w/ bombs, counters & nearfalls galore, but I'll give credit where it's due, as they made it look a lot more interesting than oh so many others. Rollins actually surprised me with how impactful & vicious he made his usually-shitty offense look - he definitely matched AJ in that department here, and that is something I wasn't expecting. I even really liked that inverted superplex -> falcon arrow spot that I always dislike when he does it normally. AJ of course brought it on the offense too & made all of Rollins' stuff look extra good w/ his legendary bumping & selling. So yeah, technically this match was pretty great indeed, but I just didn't care about its layout at all. Like I said, it was your usual Rollins workrate match, and matches of that & this kind just don't do it for me, unless I am truly invested in the participants or something, I guess. That is why I can't give it much love, but I acknowledge the fact (in my eyes anyway) that they took a very dull match layout & made it look more interesting than it would've been in most other cases. **1/4

Kevin Owens vs. Kofi Kingston
I appreciate Owens' psychology of going after Kofi's mid-section; I really liked the two Boston Crabs he busted out, and now thinking back at it, the whole thing was good continuity of Kofi's WM bout vs. Bryan. Too bad that Owens is incredibly dull for the most part on top & his constant trashtalk shtick has got seriously old & annoying. Not a bad match by any means, but neither is particularly intriguing w/ their roles, Kofi from underneath & KO on top. **

Men's Money In The Bank
Man, I love BORK, he's one of my all-time favorites, but the ending w/ him winning dropped a real turd on this one, and it's an extra shame because the other 7 were busting their asses & created one of the more compelling multi-man ladder matches there has been. The highlights were Andrade's absolutely SICK sunset flip powerbomb to Finn onto that bridged ladder, Ali's Spanish Fly to Andrade from the ladder(s), Corbin destroying Ali & Bálor w/ chokeslams + McIntyre throwing Ricochet out of the ring straight through a ladder. Brutal stuff all around. ***1/2

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