Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Bryan & Kofi kill it again

WWE RAW 05/06/19: Daniel Bryan vs. Kofi Kingston
THE GOAT IS BACK. This was excellent. Not Mania level, but not many matches are. Kofi got a proper shine to start things off & it was very good. Eventually Bryan gets the control as Kofi crashes to the outside, and so starts the clinic of working the arm by the man; every kick he lashes out is targeted to that left arm, and I also loved how he threw Kofi arm first into the barricade. The way he countered Kofi's springboard attack attempt into the Danielson Special might've been the highlight of the match, too. Kofi sells the armwork very well throughout - loved him selling the damage during the "New Day Rocks" clapping-bit. The cherry on top of the cake is that the finishing stretch ruled as well; they kept it short, but also kept the sense of danger in the thing w/ both guys barely escaping their killshots in Busaiku & Trouble in Paradise, only for Kofi to bust it out again to get the win. Great stuff. ****

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