Wednesday, May 8, 2019

DownSmack: Tag Titles, WWE Title

WWE SmackDown 05/07/19: Daniel Bryan & Rowan vs. The Usos
This was pretty good. Jimmy's FIP segment was more than solid w/ Bryan doing some nice work over him & Rowan delivering a neat monster mauling. The finishing run was red hot & great as well. Very solid TV bout. Very much looking forward to the reign of Bryan & Rowan! **3/4

WWE SmackDown 05/07/19: AJ Styles vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Sami Zayn
This was good. AJ looked incredible with his amazingly vicious looking offense, and Kofi returned the favor w/ that nasty splash from the top. Good stuff. Zayn looked real good too, unsurprisingly. Quality TV match. ***

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