Sunday, May 5, 2019

Kento/Jake, Ishimori/Dragon Lee, Ishii/EVIL

AJPW Champion Carnival 2019 Finals: Jake Lee vs. Kento Miyahara
This took me a long time to get into, but by the end, I was digging it. They milked the most drama out of pretty much every exchange & the KNEES that were thrown sure were brutal throughout. As I implied though, I wasn't into it for a long time, so I can't call it good overall, but it certainly wasn't bad either. **1/2

NJPW Wrestling Dontaku 2019 - Day 1: Dragon Lee vs. Taiji Ishimori
Didn't care for this in it's lengthy duration one bit. Of course with this being a non-tournament NJPW main event, it had to go AT LEAST 25 minutes, and that didn't suit the explosive junior heavyweight style of these two at all. It slowed things down big time, and neither one of them was interesting in the slightest during their times on the offense. Bleh. *

NJPW Wrestling Dontaku 2019 - Day 2: EVIL vs. Tomohiro Ishii
A very generic Ishii slug & bomb -fest. I did appreciate some of the knee targeting in the early parts, which then were followed with the Scorpion Deathlock stuff, but that was done very quickly, and was replaced with the seen-it-million-times strike exchanges & bombs. A big time YAWN, was this one. *

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