Saturday, April 20, 2019

WWE stuff: Cedric/Oney, Harper/Dijak, Dream/Murphy

WWE 205 Live 04/16/19: Cedric Alexander vs. Oney Lorcan
The commentary tried to push Oney's submissions as continuity of some DEEP & BRUTAL mid-section psychology, but I certainly didn't think Oney's "attack" on it was very focused, so the whole thing kinda came out of nowhere. Cedric not selling much at all certainly didn't help the cause either. Oney, overall, felt like a huge miss in a long match like this, working as the heel - his work on top wasn't interesting at all, and I've never liked Cedric in the ring, so safe to say I wasn't a fan of this. *1/4

WWE Worlds Collide - NXT vs. NXT Alumni: Dominik Dijakovic vs. Harper
Harper being back in action is awesome & I thought him acting more human than ever in his WWE in-ring career, playing to the crowd & all was very intriguing, but sadly this was a very disappointing match. Them busting out big spots like that one off the apron was pretty awesome, especially for an AXXESS show, but I just wasn't feeling the pacing of the match at all. Very slow in-between those big spots, I guess you could call it the "classic WWE heavyweight pacing". Would've loved for these two have a more high energy match รก la Dijak's battles vs. Keith Lee. **

WWE NXT 04/17/19: Buddy Murphy vs. The Velveteen Dream
The Dream was good as usual with his facial expressions & selling, but Buddy's generic indy workrate thigh-slaps-on-every-strike & big MOVEZ -style brought it down a lot. It's a shame because I really liked his 2018, but I definitely wasn't feeling him here. The only moment that I liked (& I really loved it) was him kneeing Dream as he was taunting him. Other than that, very bleh. *1/2

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