Wednesday, April 17, 2019

EVOLVE 125; DDT vs. The Unwanted, KOR/Theory

Eddie Kingston & Joe Gacy vs. Konosuke Takeshita & MAO
Eddie & Takeshita start things off w/ some very basic 50/50 matwork. It's solid, and then in one of the highlights of the match, Eddie delivers a chop to Takeshita - Takeshita answers with a forearm & Eddie does the DELAYED KAWADA SELL~! Popped for that big time, and it made a forgettable sequence that much better. Bless you, Eddie Kingston. The DDT lads get some time to show off their athleticism & there's a bit of some good comedy in there as well - then shortly after The Unwanted take over, and we get a brief MAO FIP segment. Gacy delivers some nasty good looking punches to him during that. Once Takeshita gets the hot tag, they kick the match into another gear. It's 50/50 action from then on, but it's really good 50/50 action, as all 4 guys bring it on the offense. Eddie sells his ass off for the DDT guys, too. Real good match. ***1/2

Austin Theory vs. Kyle O'Reilly
This NXT & EVOLVE partnership sure brings some goodies. O'Reilly's 2017 run in EVOLVE is one of my favorite periods of his career, and he continued his streak of awesome EVOLVE matches here w/ a rock solid bout. Really liked the early stuff on the mat w/ him controlling Theory with a side headlock while busting out some strikes & armbars here n' there. Theory getting back into things with that explosive cutter was awesome as well. It did maybe drag a bit by the end w/ it's formulaic nearfall heavy last third, but overall I had a lot fun watching it. Good match. ***

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