Saturday, April 6, 2019

AIW recommendations from the WM weekend

AIW Slumber Party Massacre: Dominic Garrini vs. Joshua Bishop
This was a very fun I Quit brawl with them busting out lots of bombs & using loads of different weapons. Brought the HATE, too. Hell yeah I say! ***1/2

AIW Slumber Party Massacre: Eddie Kingston vs. Shinjiro Otani
At first Otani absolutely dominates Kingston - he runs through some of his greatest hits, of course including the FACE WASH, which was awesome & also gave us some legit pretty funny comedy stuff with him repeatedly also hitting Hideki Suzuki, who was serving as his young boy for the match. Eddie eventually mounts a little comeback, and gets back into things by going after Otani's left knee; he is awesome delivering little kicks to it to keep Otani grounded, and Otani's selling is really good. Otani's fiery last offense burst to beat Kingston was a great finish, too. A 3-act match that worked wonderfully; first you get Otani's shine, Kingston's heat segment on the leg & then Otani fired up getting the job done. Was one of my most awaited matches of the entire weekend & I am happy to report it didn't disappoint. ***3/4

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