Wednesday, March 27, 2019

WWE TV: Angle/Joe, Asuka/Flair

WWE RAW 03/25/19: Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe
This was short n' sweet. They worked around Angle's limitations very well with the majority of the match having Joe on top - Joe was viciously awesome as usual, and I did really like all of Angle's suplex heavy comebacks. And how could I not mention the headbutt. You have no idea how happy that made me, legit gives the match a .25 bump. A perfect callback. Quality TV bout. ***1/4

WWE SmackDown 03/26/19: Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair
A tad bit below their WrestleMania 34 match, but better than the one they had on TV in December. Asuka brought her usual fantastic raw emotion to the thing, even more so than usual for whatever reason, and it added quite a bit to the overall package. There was already a very nice intensity to everything they did, but Asuka's great performance there helped loads. Some good leg psychology as well with a nice pay-off to it in the end. ***1/2

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