Monday, March 18, 2019

16 Carat Day 1 pickings; Kid/Thatcher, Starr/WALTER

wXw 16 Carat Gold 2019 - Day 1: Lucky Kid vs. Timothy Thatcher
They had a real banger at Carat the year prior, and this might've been even better. Very one-sided with Thatcher just destroying Kid throughout, and as a massive Dirty Tim fan, I of course absolutely loved it. Kid got just about the perfect amount of time on the offense himself, having some bursts of energy, but Thatcher always cut him off in his brilliant, vicious ways. The finish was amazing too & really put over the match as a pretty huge upset. ****

wXw 16 Carat Gold 2019 - Day 1: David Starr vs. WALTER
It's David Starr vs. WALTER, so of course it's very good. Loved the beginning with Starr going right after WALTER, and after that the match was your very good, yet usual David vs. Goliath action w/ the intense indy pacing that I've come to expect from the pairing. It was honestly kind of disappointing too, because they didn't offer anything new to the dynamic, other than the finish which I loved. They had a couple of stronger matches just last year, but judging from the finish, there's still quite more to the story they're telling & I am here for it. ***1/2

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