Saturday, March 30, 2019

Tessa/Kylie, Bad Bones vs. Starr

Zelo Pro Milwaukee Meltdown: Kylie Rae vs. Tessa Blanchard
This was a really good 2/3 falls bout, with clear heel & babyface roles in the ring. Followed the classic dynamic of Tessa being the cocky, vicious champ working on top while Kylie made some awesome, high energy babyface comebacks. It's all some very good stuff, and my favorite stuff came right in the beginning w/ Tessa grinding Kylie down with that absolutely amazingly vicious looking side headlock of hers, which she then followed with some even more brutal arm manipulation. ***1/2

Defiant Loaded #16: David Starr vs. John Klinger
A 10-minute match full of some slugfest goodness. Starr of course rules as a babyface & Bad Bones was on his element with his slimy heel act all the way through. Definitely worth a watch. ***

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