Tuesday, March 26, 2019

AJPW: Strong BJ vs Violent GIANTS II, Kento vs Nomura

AJPW Dream Power Series 2019 - Day 6: Strong BJ vs. Violent Giants
Definitely liked this better than their BJW match from January. They don't do it in an overly flashy, classic way, but Sekimoto & Okabayashi do some subtle invader heelish stuff, and I loved it. The stuff on the outside that lead to the Suwama FIP portion of the match was fantastic, and then big Shuji's hot tag that followed was great as well. Shortly after that, the match essentially kicks into it's 2nd, finishing gear, and there's PLENTY of awesome, BEEFY action to keep me interested. I won't lie though, I did think it overstayed it's welcome a bit, but overall it was really fun & the build to it was pretty amazing, so it's no biggie. ****

AJPW Dream Power Series 2019 - Day 6: Kento Miyahara vs. Naoya Nomura
This was very much your paint-by-numbers cocky champion vs. young underdog stuff, and it was pretty enjoyable. Just solid action from start to finish, nothing that truly grabbed me or made me invested, but nothing boring or bad either. LOVED the finish with Nomura escaping that first Straight Jacket German attempt & then Kento immediately grabbing him again, this time not letting him slip out. A very nice bit of flash urgency there. **3/4

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