Sunday, June 17, 2018

Takeover: Chicago

The Undisputed Era vs. Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan
Red hot crowd & awesome hard hitting action from start to finish. Loved the Burch FIP segment, Kyle targeting his arm throughout the match was pretty great (loved that big Armbar drama), the ONEY HOT TAG was goddamn terrific & Roddy was his usual fantastic self, loved his facial selling & him on the offense is always a violent joy, and here he was going against two fellas who also bring it big time w/ their offense. Great match. ****

Ricochet vs. The Velveteen Dream
A good match that told a very fun story of them trying to one-up each other by using each other's moves & going for similar spots. Dream's Prince Puma tights too, my goodness. Absolutely brilliant. ***1/4

Shayna Baszler vs. Nikki Cross
At first I wasn't feeling the whole "Nikki has Shayna baffled with her insanity!" -thing, but as it went on & Nikki got to shine, I got into it. Very enjoyable stuff. **3/4

Aleister Black vs. Lars Sullivan
This was pretty damn good. Very solid David vs. Goliath action w/ Aleister bumping his ass off for Sullivan & being awesome with his strikes. ***

Johnny Gargano vs. Tommaso Ciampa 
So much better than their NOLA match. Here they actually sold their hatred for each other - the action was violent throughout & never dragged. ****

1 comment:

  1. Tag Match = ****
    Ricochet-Dream = ****
    Shayna-Niki = ***
    Black-Lars = ***1/4
    Gargano-Ciampa = ****1/2
