Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Io/Momo II, Hiromu/Ishimori, PWG RINGKAMPF

Stardom Gold Star: Io Shirai vs. Momo Watanabe
Not as great as their match from February, but still a really good one. Fantastic offense by both women (especially Io) & just all around very fun bomb throwing w/ a good sense of urgency to it. ***3/4

NJPW BOSJ XXV - Finals: Hiromu Takahashi vs. Taiji Ishimori
This had a wonderful start; great pure spotfest action with a fantastic sense of urgency & Hiromu being superb with his explosive offense. Once they got down from the crowd though, the match sadly didn't remain very interesting. I did love the submission drama w/ (especially) the LeBell Lock & the Triangle, but other than that stuff, the match did not grab me at all. I think it was overall definitely a good one w/ some flashes of greatness in it, but unsurprisingly it also was long as a mofo & had lots & lots of dull/meh stuff in there. ***

PWG All Star Weekend 14: Ringkampf vs. Violence Unlimited
Brody & WALTER beating the crap out of each other, fantastic finishing stretch & maybe my favorite bit of the whole thing; Ringkampf giving Bateman an absolute whooping during his FIP segment. Awesome match. ***3/4


  1. I fucking loved that Hiromu-Ishimori match. Thought it was fantastically paced with some great emotion and drama. It's my opinion after all!

    1. That is absolutely fair, I definitely see where the hype for it is coming from. It kinda reminded me of the Naito vs. Omega matches in some ways.

  2. Btw, did you see the other matches from the PWG show?

    1. Not yet! Was a little short on time earlier so I went with the only match that REALLY interested me on Night 1. Night 2 has at least 2 must see ones in the main event + Riddle/Thatcher, so those I'll def watch.

    2. Hope that you will find more time to watch wrestling! There is a lot of great stuff (Riddle-Lee) that you need to see.
