Monday, June 25, 2018

Possible MOTY

OTT Homecoming - Belfast: Keith Lee vs. Timothy Thatcher
Keith Lee's random ass Hogan & Rock comedy tribute spots really killed the flow of the match just as it was reaching excellent status, but other than that, this was really damn good. Thatcher's performance was just fabulous - his work over Keith is what really truly made the match. ***3/4

CMLL 06/22/18: LA Park vs. Rush
Maybe the least-wild match of their rivalry, but still pretty goddamn wild. Black Skinhead blasting, Umbrellas, crowd going wild for Rush taking his shirt off, mask ripping. The good shit. ***3/4

EVOLVE 106: Darby Allin vs. WALTER
Well HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Originally this was supposed to happen at NOLA, but Darby got injured so it didn't happen - I was super bummed out, because it sure was one of the matches I was most looking forward to; in the top-3 alongside Bryan's return & Riddle/Ki (until that got cancelled as well). Happy to report that it certainly lived up to the crazy potential it had on paper & then some more. AND THEN SOME MORE, MY GOODNESS. There's so much to write about, but I honestly can't even. The pace, WALTER's brutal work over Darby, WALTER's baffled reactions when this small face paint having fella refused to die & brought the fight right at him, Darby's madman bumping, Darby's hand targeting - in particular that spot where he punched & goddamn headbutted it - I got some damn Necro Butcher vs. Samoa Joe vibes from it because of how wild it was, the crowd was rockin' & the sense of urgency was through the roof. We'll see how it stacks up when I do a high end MOTYC re-watch session towards the end of the year, but as of right now after 2 viewings, this might just be the best match of the year. *****


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. What are you waiting for? GO AND WATCH IT!

    2. I am waiting for it to get downloaded. :p

  2. Replies
    1. After a rewatch, I have to bump my rating at ****3/4. This had INTENSITY I hadn't seen in years.

    2. Hell yea! That thing sure had a real authentic wild west feel to it that hasn't been seen in wrestling, in a while.
