Monday, June 18, 2018


Big Cass vs. Daniel Bryan
I enjoyed the Backlash match a lot, but it was clear that was 100% a Daniel Bryan carryjob. It felt like he was wrestling a goddamn tree. Here though, Big Cass seemed almost like a completely different man from that night - he felt super motivated & his performance was on point. Dude showed very good swagger with his work on top, and that said work on top was actually GREAT this time. Of course it helps that Bryan was bumping & selling his ass off for him, but Cass looked very, very good. Bryan's performance in general was absolutely incredible I thought - amazing selling & he looked like an absolute killer with his offense; that leg targeting was brutal & that Missile Dropkick from the top to the back of Cass' neck is a spot that will stick with me for a long time. Also the Chicago crowd was on fire, which helped the match be even more energetic than it already was by the great work of the 2 men in that ring. One of my favorite WWE matches of the year. ****1/4

Bobby Lashley vs. Sami Zayn
There really wasn't anything wrong with this match, it was fine, but just pretty disappointing considering how much potential a match between Bobby Lashley & Sami Zayn looks to have on paper. **

Seth Rollins vs. Elias
Rollins from underneath only works when his opponent working the heat on him is actually interesting. Elias certainly wasn't. *1/4

Women's MITB
Great pace & flow, really good big spots - just really good action from start to finish. ***3/4

Jinder Mahal vs. Roman Reigns
I actually really enjoyed this one. The crowd certainly wasn't into it at all, but I don't think that took anything away from the match, really. It was a very enjoyable one w/ Jinder doing some very solid work on top while Reigns busted out pretty good comebacks. *** 

Carmella vs. Asuka
This match actually legitimately frustrated me. I just don't find Asuka selling for any of Carmella's offense believable at all. I know it's wrestling & all, anything is possible, but goddammit this pissed me off. DUD

AJ Styles vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Definitely the best match of their WWE rivalry. Loved the sense of physicality & urgency here, and even though the match went over 30 minutes, it didn't drag at all, like their previous PPV meetings, which also were shorter. ***1/2

Nia Jax vs. Ronda Rousey
First of all, while the most amazing thing about this is the fact that it was Ronda's first EVER singles match, let's give it up for Nia. I've liked her work as the big monster against Asuka, Sasha & Bayley, but here her performance was on next level from those. She was on that Vader shit, so to say. Great stuff. And then, AND THEN! Ronda FUCKING Rousey! It's absolutely unreal that this is her first singles match EVER. Her performance was outgoddamnstanding; she rocked the scrappy underdog role so well - fantastic bumping/selling + facial expressions & it's not just that, it's the little things that she did so well. The Bear Hug spot is a legitimate contender for spot of the year because of that - the way she tried to actively fight her way out of it was such a little, simple thing, but yet so beautiful. She also nailed all of her big spots absolutely PERFECTLY. Perfect timing, perfect execution. That Judo throw was gorgeous & the bit where she hulk'd herself up & went ham on Nia w/ those strikes is something that could've been very cringy, but it was actually superb. Unreal performance, ESPECIALLY when you take into consideration that it was her FIRST. SINGLES. MATCH. EVER! I do think the ending, while it was a really well executed angle, does take a bit away from the match quality, but damn, what a match it still was. ****1/4

Men's MITB
This flowed even better than the women's MITB. Very good spots & very good action throughout. ***3/4


  1. Will see some matches!

    The G1 blocks have just been announced! Any thoughts, predictions, most awaited matches?

    1. I think overall B block absolutely SMOKES A block, in terms of interesting wrestlers. A block will have some bangers tho, for sure.

      Little disappointed that Taichi is not in the thing.

      Don't really have any matches that I am legitimately super excited for in all honesty, but I am looking forward to all of ZSJ's ones. Dude is gonna kill it. Omega vs. Ibushi will sure be something, too.

  2. Block B is fresher, that's for sure. But Block A is very good, too - Okada vs. Suzuki could steal the tournament! It's a great time to be a fan.

    Honestly just a little disappointed there are no surprising entries like WALTER (who is having an amazing year), Sekimoto, Cobb etc. Last year we had Ibushi and ZSJ, in 2016 - Marufuji and Nakajima. White and Page are OK instead of Nagata and Kojima but I was hoping for something more.

    1. The lack of surprises is indeed a little disappointing, but honestly also expected. Not been too impressed with Hangman & Jay White so not too excited for their runs in the thing, but I'll watch their matches with open minds.

    2. Yes they are both green but hey. Robinson-White in USA will probably be very good, even GREAT.

  3. Saw these three matches:

    Bryan-Cass = Cass is so GREEN. A total carryjob by Bryan, great performance by the man + the brief leg work = ***1/4
    Nakamura-Styles = really, REALLY good LMS match, good pacing = ***3/4
    Ronda-Jax = Ronda = rookie of the year. Enough said = ***1/2
