Thursday, November 26, 2020

A pair of Sheamus vs Riddle matches


WWE RAW 10/26/20: Matt Riddle vs. Sheamus
This was full of badass physicality. Both guys own such great arsenal of kick-ass moves & they busted out some truly lovely, vicious ones here. The early submission work by Riddle was awesome, and the back-injury towards the end which set up the finish was great. Real tight, physical, sprint-y match. ***3/4

WWE RAW 11/23/20: Riddle vs. Sheamus
Another very good match between these two fellas. They get a lot more time here than they did in their previous meeting, and this really feels like a bigger PPV-version of that said previous match of theirs. Great feel of physicality, with both guys always looking to do some more damage without letting the other guy breathe. Both of them once again showcased their wide array of offense with lots of nice strikes & vicious bombs. Sheamus also looked really good going on the ground w/ Riddle! That heel-hook he busted out seriously popped me. Banger of a match. I liked that October match more, because it felt a bit more tight w/ its sprint nature, but this one also kicked ass. Very good chemistry between the two. ***1/2

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