Saturday, May 2, 2020



James Maritato vs. Tony Mamaluke
A very good match between the FBI lads. It is pretty much a total exhibition of matwork, mostly submission exchanges, and it's good! ***

Amazing Red vs. Ikuto Hidaka
They present this as two men on equal athletic level & all that jazz, so it's a very 50/50 match in terms of both guys getting their stuff in. It's not my favorite match structure to say the least, but Red & Hidaka pulled it off solidly, with the match being pretty good for sure. Some neat sequences, and Hidaka especially brought some good personality & charm into the thing. **3/4

Low Ki vs. Samoa Joe
It's Samoa Joe's ROH debut, and he sure came to the company with a BANG. This is a complete strikefest with them beating the absolute shit out of one another right from the get go, with an occasional power move or submission, and it's the good stuff. I've never really been on the "it's a classic" boat for it, but it's definitely one helluva match. ***3/4

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