CM Punk vs. Michael Shane
A "basic" match that follows a simple dynamic & formula, but it's a real good one because both Punk & Shane rule. Punk is full of energy and comes off as nicely fiery in his times on the offense, and Shane himself is real good slowing things down and working the heat during his control periods. ***
BJ Whitmer vs. Colt Cabana vs. Homicide vs. Paul London
This is such a well paced & built spotfest. It gets hotter & hotter as it goes on, and ends just when it hits its peak. Everybody gets their big stuff in, and it rules -- everything looks impactful, vicious & crisp. Definitely a standout match of its genre. ***1/2
American Dragon vs. Samoa Joe
Their first ROH match, and it's a pretty great one. Real intense from start till finish, as the tensions between the two had been building for a bit. Lots of brutal strikes, some really good work on the mat, some brief knee targeting by Bryan -- they just brutalize one another & it's some real good stuff. Joe locking in that STF & maniacally yelling "I OWN YOU!!!" was such a fantastic moment. ***3/4
AJ Styles & Low Ki vs. Christopher Daniels & Xavier
This is a good match all the way through, but nothing blow-away or anything close to that. Like I mentioned, it's good stuff for the whole duration of it, with the action hitting that 2nd gear when the babyfaces just start to totally kick the asses of Daniels & Xavier in the last 5 minutes or so, getting that *cough* Revenge On The Prophecy and all. ***
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