Monday, May 11, 2020



CM Punk vs. Colt Cabana
Not as good as their previous ROH match, but still a pretty solid one. I liked how there was some neat match-to-match storytelling in this with Cabana having the stuff Punk tried & did in the last match scouted (e.g. that 'rana), and all in all the action was energetic throughout. **1/2

Paul London vs. Xavier
Xavier is getting a shitload of heat from the crowd at this point, and London is THE babyface underdog going, so this unsurprisingly ruled. All of Xavier's work on the offense is very good, and his gameplan of softening London up by the neck was fun to follow. London's performance from underneath was really good as well, all of his comebacks ruled & his selling n' bumping was great. Good stuff all match long, with everything from the London win-tease w/ that Xavier rope-break on being red hot great. ***1/2

American Dragon vs. Low Ki vs. Samoa Joe vs. Steve Corino
A good comparison to this would be the Crowning A Champion 4-way, because this is also a true long boy, going to the 45-minute time limit draw, but much like that said match at Crowning A Champion, this is also absolutely excellent. The 45-minutes fly by, as the action is very good & compelling throughout, with the peaks of the match being straight up great. Corino was on fire with his character work & he brought his own old school-ish flavor to the thing which fit it super well, and then of course Dragon, Ki & Joe just killed it. Every combo in the match just WORKED and created for some damn fine professional wrestling throughout. A terrific way to close out Ring of Honor's 2002. ****

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