Saturday, March 14, 2020


WWE SmackDown 03/13/20: Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan & Cesaro having an empty arena match for the WWE, with Triple H on commentary + Drew Gulak, Sami Zayn & Nakamura hanging at ringside. WILD. This was a goddamn blast, to no one's surprise. They got like 5-minutes, but every second of those 5-minutes or so was filled with great, intense wrestling. The lads just beat the crap out of one another, to put it simply. Gotta love the ending too, with Cesaro trying to be cute n' sneaky w/ that crucifix pinfall attempt, but he sure wasn't prepared for MR. SMALL PACKAGE making him pay for that, baybay. This won't be making mine or probably any MOTYC lists, but for more reasons than one, it will be one of the more memorable matches from this year, at least for me I'm sure. ***3/4

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