Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dijakovic/Lee, G.O.D./Briscoes X2

WWE NXT 08/28/19: Dominik Dijakovic vs. Keith Lee
Dijak & Lee getting their biggest spotlight yet on WWE TV — I think I actually prefer their February NXT TV match a bit more, but this was still good. They showcased their freaky athleticism to get the crowd going absolute bonkers, and they clobbered each other like they always do. Not one of their best matches against one another, but a yet another good chapter added to their competitive rivalry. ***

ROH Manhattan Mayhem: Guerrillas of Destiny vs. The Briscoes
Love the naturally chaotic & heated vibe the thing has the entire way through. Really adds that extra something to the already wonderfully brutal action between the teams. Great use of all the weapons too. Awesome match. ***3/4

ROH Summer Supercard: Guerrillas of Destiny vs. The Briscoes
I already loved their Street Fight, but this was on another level. Amazing violence from start to finish with a natural chaotic & heated feel to it. Mark Briscoe is still a crazy bastard in 2019, Tama Tonga had a few superb spots w/ his sneaky attacks (that dropkick to Mark which sent him over the barricade + that cutter as Mark was climbing the ladder) & Jay mothafuggen' Briscoe. I recommended this match to a friend right after watching it, and his response was "are GOD matches allowed to be good" -- well, when you have Jay rocking the crimson mask like it's 2004 vs. Samoa Joe in a Steel Cage, then I'd say yeah, it's allowed. We'll see how it holds up when I do a MOTYC re-watch before the year ends, but on first watch, this is totally up there w/ the best ROH ladder wars. One of the finest pieces of pro-rasslin in 2019. ****1/2

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