Wednesday, August 28, 2019

CATCH UPpings: Triplemania, Gulak/Oney

AAA Triplemania XXVII: Cain Velasquez, Cody & Psycho Clown vs. Los Mercenarios & Killer Kross
Absolutely loving the randomness of the line-up here. Obviously the main selling point of the match is the debut of the one Cain Velasquez, someone who's fan I've been for quite a while. He got a lot of the match to shine, showcasing his very MMA-based offense w/ them strikes, throws & submissions + some very non-MMA based offense in the flippy stuff he busted out! Was quite the sight seeing Cain do all that. He looked pretty good out there overall. Def a good pro-wrestling debut for the man. Fun match. ***

AAA Triplemania XXVII: Blue Demon Jr. vs. Dr. Wagner Jr.
An intense & dramatic bloodbath. Two old men beating the absolute shit out of each other & brutalizing one another with everything they can get their hands on. ****

WWE 205 Live 08/13/19: Drew Gulak vs. Oney Lorcan
Dragged a lot by the end, and the work in the match wasn't quite as compelling as I was hoping for. Some gnarly shots to the throat & all - the match was pretty solid overall, but yeah, I'd lie if I said I didn't expect something better from a match between Drew Gulak & Oney Lorcan. **3/4

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