Tuesday, August 20, 2019

CATCHING UP (Murphy/Reigns, Thatcher in MLW, Kingston/WALTER...)

WWE SmackDown 08/13/19: Buddy Murphy vs. Roman Reigns
The good ol' classic tale of a relative no-name pushing the top dog to the absolute limit. Murphy & Reigns told that story pretty well for sure - it could’ve been better, but it also could’ve been way less interesting too. Definitely a very solid TV meeting if nothing else. Good to see Murphy get such a spotlight on him. **3/4

MLW Fusion #69: Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Timothy Thatcher
Exactly how a match between the two would look like. Lots of awesome grappling, some limb targeting strategies, and eventually the match becomes more of a slug & bomb -trading battle with them looking for that one big move to put away one another with. It's all very, very enjoyable stuff. Always love watching Thatcher do his thing & Davey Boy Jr. was a very solid opponent for him. ***1/2

PROGRESS Chapter 91: Eddie Kingston vs. WALTER
The most interesting looking PROGRESS match in a long ass time. 'twas a good match, but I think it also suffered a little from the crazy expectations I had for it in my head. Good stuff all around with Eddie being a hard hitting underdog & WALTER being the dominant force that he is, but also selling really well for Kingston's comebacks when it came time for that. Never seemed to click into a 2nd gear, so it wasn't anything special, which is something it could've been based on how it looks on paper, but it was a good match & def worth a watch. ***1/4

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