Thursday, November 15, 2018

ZSJ in Spain, AJ's face stomped in

Triple W Total Rumble 8: A-Kid vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
This felt like kind of a mix between "the usual" ZSJ match & then a generic "epic" indy match. It was very enjoyable for the most part, even though towards the end it started to drag badly. The atmosphere is something worth mentioning too, added some nice heat to the bout. ***

WWE SmackDown 11/13/18: AJ Styles vs. Daniel Bryan
A fantastic heel turn angle in the closing moments & then the post-match. You can argue it came out of nowhere, but I loved it. Fantastic acting by Bryan there, and him stomping AJ's face in, old school American Dragon style was goosebumps worthy. The actual match wasn't on the level of their October & April TV-classics, but it was still an absolute banger. They went with the dueling limb work story once again, and as always, it was a pleasure watching those two masters go at it. Bryan's arm work in particular was VICIOUS as shit. A match to remember for it's quality & then the angle that was executed in it. ***3/4


  1. I loved the match, but yeah, I loved their previous ones even more. I welcome the heel turn, Bryan's character wasn't really going anywhere now, so this change is something I'm looking forward to. Damn, how great would it be if he shaved his head and wore an eyepatch again, lol. His promos are going to be sick and he's going to be even more vicious in that ring. You gotta love this man.
    However, I don't see any logical reason for it right now. I hope they'll come up with something satisfying. Maybe Bryan could join forces with Heyman?
    BTW, if it happened a few years ago, I'd be looking forward Bryan vs Lesnar, but now I'm afraid it's going to be a typical Lesnar shit (last match I remember enjoying a little was him vs Joe).

  2. I am actually mostly scared for Bryan vs. Lesnar, because of Lesnar's eventual upcoming return to the UFC. Just how much is he willing to do in pro wrestling before that happens? That's the only thing that can truly hurt the match. Lesnar killed it vs. Styles last year, and I truly hope he has the same boots on vs. Bryan as he did there.
