Thursday, November 1, 2018

World Championship Match Like It Should Be

WWE SmackDown 10/30/18: AJ Styles vs. Daniel Bryan
This met the high expectations I had for it, but with it being a match between two of the very best in the world, and 2 of the greatest EVER, how could it not? This was 110% my kind of pro wrestling; a dueling limb work story told to perfection w/ both guys being vicious w/ a big V with their work over one another, superb selling & a great sense of urgency. A true war of attrition. Just 22 minutes of straight up pro wrestling like it was meant to be - I mean, it's a WWE Championship match w/ ZERO nearfalls (except if you count the Triangle) & the crowd is going goddamn crazy all the way through. That's pretty unheard of in this day & age. I think it was already clear from their previous match in April, but now it's even more clear: AJ Styles & Daniel Bryan truly operate on a entirely different level from everybody else in the business. Legends. ****1/2

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