Saturday, November 17, 2018

Takeover live reactions

Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler
These 2 deliver as usual. The first fall was very solid w/ great fire shown by Kairi, she got a very good shine right from the get go. The 2nd fall was mostly about Shayna on top, and she sure is absolutely awesome twisting & straight up torturing Kairi. Kairi from underneath rules big time as well - there's this one super SCRAPPY striking exchange she started w/ Shayna & I so loved it. Also that big comeback of hers towards the end of the fall where she wiped out Shayna's buddies was superb. I think all the interference stuff was done pretty well in the last fall - they kept it to KIND of the minimum, and Io doing badass dives is something I can always dig. Very good action from Shayna & Kairi throughout it. Maybe their 2nd best match against each other so far. Still nowhere near the MYC Finals classic though. ***1/2

Aleister Black vs. Johnny Gargano
I feel like I have so much stuff to say about this, but at the same time, it left me kind of speechless. There I was, watching the show live happily in the cold morning hours when this shit happened. It didn't start off as bad; I was amused by Gargano's super cringe heel acting in the hype video & his entrance, and then the match began. It actually was OK, but then it went on & went on & went on. It was to be expected, and in it's structure, it was your basic 50/50 indy movez~! & sequencez~! -stuff - basically nothing that I haven't seen at least a goddamn million times already, right? Well, then their monologues got louder & louder & louder... I don't even know. I had it written originally that it was HBK tier stuff, but honestly HBK was never this fucking embarrassing w/ his "dramatic" acting. Gargano was already looking & sounding like the biggest nerd of all-time w/ his comicbook villain shit, and then Aleister Black starts w/ his edgelord stuff. I don't even know. This match kind of broke me. Perfect storm of the 2 things I think I hate the most in pro wrestling; shitty match structure & embarrassing acting & drama. I am writing this about 1 hour or so after the match happened & I still feel dirty (???) - it's kinda like when as a teen you would, while jerking off, watch something goddamn kinky and/or weird & then you have that weird disgusted feel after you nut. That's how I feel after watching this shit. First time I have ever been embarrassed about watching the graps. I don't even know my dudes.God bless. God fucking bless. DUD & WORST MATCH OF ALL-TIME

yes that is where my live viewing of takeover ended

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