Sunday, February 19, 2023



Asuka vs. Carmella vs. Liv Morgan vs. Natalya vs. Nikki Cross vs. Raquel Rodriquez
This was alright. Some awkward moments here & there, and really not much to remember the match by, but I did think Liv Morgan had a pretty good overall performance, taking some big bumps & having the most interesting moments of big offense. Asuka was solid as always too, unsurprisingly. **

Bobby Lashley vs. Brock Lesnar
Ehh. The most uninteresting Brock Lesnar type of match possible. *1/2

Austin Theory vs. Bronson Reed vs. Damian Priest vs. Johnny Gargano vs. Montez Ford vs. Seth Rollins
This was actually quite a fun Chamber match! Every man involved got plenty of moments to shine & things flowed nicely from start to finish. A good one. ***

Roman Reigns vs. Sami Zayn
This had a lot of the Roman Reigns main event match features that suck: you get him controlling things way too much w/ spotty (in regards to how interesting it is) work on top, melodramatic dialogue of course (even though it wasn't actually THAT bad this time - still annoying tho), Bloodline run-ins, a super lame, energy-sucking finish, but goddamn it, there was still that magic in the air that this match was bound to have. There was close to zero fucking chance that Sami Zayn was gonna win the World Championship here, especially right before WrestleMania, but he still made me believe. One of the best, man. One of the very best. ***3/4

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