Thursday, February 2, 2023




Adam Page vs. Jon Moxley
Quite a generic big match formula in play here, but it was fine. Didn't feel it as much as I did their previous bout, but both Mox & Hangman have such good arsenals that there is plenty of moments that I liked. Big moves, blood, big moments. A big TV-match, that's how I would describe it. Not exactly my cup of tea, but it was still alright. **3/4

Bryan Danielson vs. Timothy Thatcher
Now THIS is what I am here for. Can't think of many more appealing-looking match-ups on paper than the American Dragon vs. Dirty Tim, and hell yeah it ruled. It was exactly what it promised to be with Thatcher torturing Bryan, just wringing on that arm, hitting it hard & stretching it with holds. Bryan's selling is class. Obviously it's not the blow-out amazing match they could easily have, but it's an absolute TV-banger & more than fitting first meeting between these two exceptional wrestlers. ***1/4

Darby Allin vs. Samoa Joe
This was fucking awesome. Exactly what a No Holds Barred match between these two should look like. Memorable spots & visuals throughout. Joe gets to be the best Samoa Joe-in-2023 possible because of Darby's willingness to get completely ragdolled. Fuck yes. ***3/4

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