Saturday, August 21, 2021




Doug Williams vs. John Walters
This is for the Pure Championship, so it's under the usually-always-fun Pure ruleset. And sure enough, it's tons of fun! Some nice technical wrestling to start it off as one would expect from this pairing. As the match progresses, it's clear that John Walter is a man on a mission; he's focused as hell, even more so than usually, and it's a joy to watch him execute a nice onslaught on Williams, and it's equally as nice to watch the champ's reactions & answer to that. Love the finishing stretch where Walters' knee-targeting + the Pure rules came into full play. Really good shit. ***1/2

CM Punk vs. Homicide vs. Samoa Joe
This sadly did not capture my interest much at all. Based on the participants, you could & probably would expect a lowkey killer match-up, but this was some very "paint-by-the-numbers" three-way dance action. There's 1 or 2 fun spots, but other than that, it's just nothing, really. It's not bad, but it's just there. **

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