Saturday, August 7, 2021

Marufuji vs Sakuraba for the GHC HEAVYQ


NOAH Cross Over 2021 In Hiroshima

Naomichi Marufuji vs. Kazushi Sakuraba
This is a genuinely interesting looking match-up on paper, and those don't happen often these days, so you just know I had to watch it. I thought it was a good one. It loses some of its luster as they move into the final third of the match, which is all about the more "exciting" finishing stretch-like wrestling; it's very usual for a big puro match like this to do that, but even when they moved into that section of the bout, I didn't lose much interest. It was good enough, but where the real money was in my interest regarding this match was stuff like the beginning where they made Sakuraba feel like a big threat who can effortlessly take all of your limbs if given a chance on the mat or even during stand-up exchanges. Cool moments like him catching Marufuji's leg & slapping in a hold just when it looked like Maru did some vintage Maru ninja-flips to escape the onslaught, and then later on the way they spiced up the usual strike-trading sequence with Sakuraba turning his back on Marufuji as Maru quickly did a big number on his chest, it was such a nice "change of pace", you could even say, and I loved it. The way that said sequence naturally & logically ended with Maru delivering his signature hook kick was also perfect. Good match indeed. Some big puro match tropes prevent it from being more than that, but that is always to be expected, and it was cool regardless. ***

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