SummerSlam 2012
Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H
This is a solid match with a pretty great Brock Lesnar performance. Everything he does here is on point; from the beginning where he does the usual Lesnar bullying, to then selling the "mood change" perfectly when HHH got one-up on him. His big heat segment on HHH was good too; they established & treated Kimura as a huge deal right from the get go, and him working over HHH was all about doing damage to that arm, of course to set up what was eventually gonna be the finish. It's good stuff & HHH sells being in peril really well tbh, even better than I would have expected. The way the momentum swifts to his favor w/ him attacking Lesnar's mid-section is awesome, and I can't praise Lesnar's selling enough. He sells the initial shock & the shots like they're killing him, and his selling remains perfect till the very end. It's a good match, but not great. Not all of it is very compelling to watch & there are points when it moves into straight-up uninteresting-territory, but it's still good & the performances by both men (especially Lesnar) were really damn good. The infamous post-match is also obviously hilarious. ***
SummerSlam 2014
Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns
Now here's a match I haven't watched since it happened. Back then, I was super down on WWE's product & especially the Roman Reigns superpush that was starting, so I did not like this match at all. And well, I still don't! It's not like a _bad_ match, or at least there's nothing outright bad or annoying about it, but it's oh so dull. Feels like a generic, longer TV match with a few cool counters, which to be fair were legitimately pretty neat & the only thing bringing this match some life. A gentleman's **
SummerSlam 2015
The New Day vs. Los Matadores vs. The Lucha Dragons vs. The Prime Time Players
Starts off in very forgettable fashion, but once the match kicks into its 2nd gear after Darren makes the hot tag to Titus, that's when things get pretty damn HAWT. That said hot tag was really awesome & the highlight of the entire thing with Titus running through everyone, and the action after that keeps the pace & flow going very nicely w/ each team getting some standout moments. It is a pretty good match overall, just like I remembered it as. **3/4
SummerSlam 2016
Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks
There's the infamous big turnbuckle backbreaker botch, and holy hell did it look & feel dangerous, but honestly? It kinda added to the match. Or at least it didn't take anything away from my enjoyment of it. Charlotte's attack was fully focused on the back afterwards, and it's really good stuff + Sasha sold that onslaught wonderfully. It had some big time Eddie vs. Rey vibes, and it's a dynamic that works fantastically with Charlotte & Sasha. Charlotte's work on top was indeed really good as implied, and Sasha's babyface work was simply pretty darn great throughout - that moment where she counters Charlotte's top rope big move attempt into that hurricanrana was superb in particular. Awesome match. ***3/4
SummerSlam 2016
AJ Styles vs. John Cena
I didn't like this match at all back when it happened. Now looking at it 5 years later, my opinion is pretty much the complete opposite. I think the match is great! It's mostly known about all the big movez & nearfalls, and it sure doesn't take them long to start putting focus on those, but the beginning with Cena's control period was really nice w/ him being mean & focused. Simple stuff like him throwing AJ full power into the corner or him punching AJ in the face after he was gloating + the back bodydrop where he absolutely LAUNCHES the guy, it's all pretty great. I didn't like Styles busting out the Clash so early & it being kicked out of, but it is what it is. That's where the match kicks into its "true" gear as the big moves, false finishes & the one-upmanship become the main focus. I remember in 2016 thinking they went waaaaay overboard with it all, but watching it now, I actually thought they didn't do too much, as they kept it within the limits of good taste, and the story they told with those wild big moves & nearfalls was something that truly worked & fit the match. The avalanche AA is a genuinely FANTASTIC nearfall, and while I wouldn't argue people calling Cena's reaction to it being complete cheese, I also kinda liked it? At least initially the whole "wait wtf" look on his face was awesome & sold the moment big. So yeah, I really loved this one. Damn. Great effin' match. ****
SummerSlam 2019
Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins
Goddamn I didn't like Rollins at all in this. It isn't that surprising, but it's disappointing, because the elements for a potential great match were there. A taped up mid-section that Brock attacks in an awesome fashion? Uh hell yes please, but then Seth doesn't really sell it much at all & is on the offense with his weak looking arsenal for wayyy too long, for my liking. It's a great & definite way to put him over, no doubts about that, but a good match it is not. *3/4