Wednesday, January 8, 2020


ICW No Holds Barred - Vol. 1: Necro Butcher vs. SHLAK
We are only 8 days into the year & I already got a Necro Butcher match to watch. BLESSED. This was a total trash-fight-spectacle & I loved every second of it. Necro got busted open like one minute into the thing & overall he got the shit beaten out of him by the monster that is SHLAK. YEA YEA YEA! ***3/4

ICW No Holds Barred - Vol. 1: Low Ki vs. Masashi Takeda
Low Ki eats Takeda up for most of the match, and it's awesome. Good scraps on the mat & the strikes are hellacious throughout -- the finish is absolutely brutal too w/ Ki delivering the Warrior's Way to the back of the neck, with Takeda having his hand tied & all. Super enjoyable match. ***3/4

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