Wednesday, January 15, 2020

First Dan Makabe of the Year!

3-2-1 BATTLE! Hindsight: 2020: Daniel Makabe vs. Judas Icarus
This is a tournament finals match, and while I'm not familiar at all w/ Judas Icarus, it became clear right away that he was billed as the underdog here. They told a fun tale with that dynamic throughout w/ Makabe largely dominating with his always-terrific submission work, but Judas also got a lot of the match to his name w/ his offensive flurries. He wasn't all that interesting on the offense sadly, but I did really dig him going after Makabe's knee, and Makabe sold that fantastically -- especially loved the moment when he did it after delivering a Tombstone on the outside, basically sacrificing that knee for a big move like that. Real good match! Somewhat spotty in parts, as in, I wasn't feeling Icarus all that much when he was in the driver's seat, but Makabe sure was such a boss all the way through & Judas' work got better as the bout went on, too. ***1/2

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