Sunday, October 21, 2018

WALTER/Bate + OTT greatness!

PROGRESS Chapter 76: Hello Wembley: WALTER vs. Tyler Bate

I am not seeing the MOTYC hype in this one, sadly. Went far too long for my taste; I feel like if they had shaven 1/3 off of it, it would've been a far better match. BUT with that being said, it was still a good one - WALTER delivered with his monster offense & Bate had a few very, very good babyface moments. *** 

OTT Fourth Year Anniversary: KUSHIDA vs. Tomohiro Ishii
This is a match I've been wanting to see for years, and I'm happy to report that KUSHIDA & Ishii meshed up very well together, just as I expected. KUSHIDA was great in the beginning w/ his cocky character work, getting a few over Ishii - that rock solid character work continued in the later stages of the match too w/ him becoming more desperate due to Ishii refusing to go down & becoming more dominant. Some very good targeting of the arm, and Ishii of course sold it very well. Would LOVE to see a re-match for the NEVER Openweight Title in Japan some day. ***1/2

OTT Fourth Year Anniversary: Minoru Suzuki vs. Timothy Thatcher
Two nasty hard hitting, master grappler bastards having a match w/ stiff strikes & great work on the mat. Gritty just like Timothy Thatcher vs. Minoru Suzuki should be. A dream match that totally delivered. ****

OTT Fourth Year Anniversary: WALTER vs. Will Ospreay
An absolutely epic David vs. Goliath bout w/ WALTER delivering a main event level mauling & Ospreay bumping like a madman. WALTER being even more brutal than usual, because of the dynamic between him & the OTT crowd was awesome - great monster heel work by the man. The restart deal was a bit silly & they went a little overboard with the nearfalls by the end, and those things did take a bit away from the overall greatness of the match, BUT it still kicked ass big time. ****1/4

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