Monday, October 8, 2018

Joe/Styles, Bryan/Shelton

WWE Super Show-Down: AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe
This was painfully unenergetic. Joe can be very good in that kind of situations though - I usually really enjoy watching him on top, but here for whatever reason, he wasn't doing it for me. AJ was straight up cringy as the BABYFACE FIGHTING FOR HIS HONOR™ - he's such a natural babyface w/ his in ring work, but when he tries too hard with the character stuff in the ring, it just doesn't work. Just a real miss in almost every department, this one was. The Emerald Flowsion was cool tho. *3/4

WWE SmackDown 10/02/18: Daniel Bryan vs. Shelton Benjamin
Not as good as their borderline great match from a few months back, but still really good. These two have such good chemistry w/ one another; Shelton was ruthless with his targeting of Bryan's ribs, and Bryan of course rocked his role fighting from underneath. ***1/4


  1. Will you do a catch-up some day?

    1. As of now I'm only watching stuff that feels genuinely interesting to me, which is why there haven't been too many updates here. Just have been feeling the G1 burnout big time this year, unlike any year before.

    2. I think the next thing I'll do is a 5-star match re-watch project, which is me re-watching matches I've rated 5-stars in the last 2 years or so. Haven't done one in a couple of years, and I always like to see what holds up & what doesn't :P
