Thursday, September 6, 2018


Defiant Stacked 2018: WALTER vs. Will Ospreay
This was great, unsurprisingly. WALTER beat the shit out of Ospreay & Ospreay bumped his ass off for him. Just great David vs. Goliath action throughout - lots of great moments, but my favorite one has to be when Ospreay started bleeding, WALTER lived up to his nickname & started targeting that cut right away. Great stuff. ****

OTT Wrestlerama 2: Jordan Devlin vs. WALTER
This was just a perfect storm of Devlin having been the ace of Irish Wrestling & building his legacy there for quite a while going against WALTER, who has become an absolute star in just a few years, tearing through the indy scene w/ his fantastic monster work. It's rare to see WALTER get booed, but my goodness did it add SO MUCH to this match - Devlin got the full on ace treatment from the fans & the commentators, while WALTER was the invading monster, who had given the champ his first pinfall loss in a long ass time. You could feel the emotion every time Devlin managed to kick out of WALTER's big bombs; one of my favorite things of the whole thing was seeing fans hug each other after one of his big kickouts. So masterfully laid out - every kickout was milked to the max, and all of Devlin's brief comebacks were done perfectly, especially during the finishing stretch of the match. A masterpiece of David vs. Goliath wrestling, storytelling & drama. ****1/2


  1. Excuse me, but... Is Stacked available in any other way than Access Defiant?

    1. Sorry for the late answer, but as of now, Defiant has it uploaded on their YT channel:

  2. I've noticed an absence of posts on this blog lately

    1. Been a little busy lately w/ my hobby & real life in general! Also been feeling the G1 burnout, which happens every year.
